©Jarðarmen kindred
Welcome. Jarðarmen Kindred is a Heathen community based in New England.
Our purposes are to gather regularly in the area for observances and socializing, to create a place of religious and personal support, exchange, and learning for one another and anyone who feels called to this path, and also to interact with and promote the wider Heathen community.
Although Jarðarmen is an Old Norse word, our practices are drawn from a wide range of Germanic customs, myths, and beliefs from pre-Christian through modern times that have become more or less the common traditions of the modern Heathen revival. Asatru is one name for our religion, and there are many others representing a spectrum of subdivisions within Heathenry today just as each tribe or region had it's own folkways in the past. We honor and respect the current differences of practice and interpretation, and believe that they enrich the community as a whole.
Jarðarmen Kindred gathers throughout the year for blót, sumbel, feasting, mooting, hiking, and all around celebration in honor of our Gods, our ancestors, our kindred, our families and friends, and the lands that sustain us.
If you would like to meet us or join in when we get together, please feel free to contact us.
©All images and symbols on the site are the property of Jarðarmen Kindred and may not be copied or reproduced without explicit permission